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Saturday, November 12, 2011

A Georgette Heyer Moment

Georgette Heyer books are like my sherbet. When I've read something heavy, or that requires me to think, or something out of my usual likes, I turn to Georgette to cleanse my reading palate. And her books are just so sweet!
The final pages are usually my favorite, when the roguish but still honorable and totally charming hero convinces the flighty, frivolous, but deeply witty and wise heroine that he is actually in love with her. They always contain the sweetest lines, like these from "These Old Shades":
Hero: "Leonie, you will do well to consider. You are not the first woman in my life."
Heroine: {She smiled through her tears.} Monseigneur, I would so much rather be the last woman than the first."

Me: *long, contented sigh* Awwww ...

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About Me!

I've been writing since I was old enough to grasp a crayon--my grandma even has an early copy of a "book" I made her. I have a bachelor's degree in history from the University of Wyoming and will (hopefully) soon be starting a graduate program in English. When I'm not breaking up impromptu UFC fights in the living room or losing miserably to my boys at Uno, I'm ... well, writing or editing, of course! I'm married to my best friend, and we have three rambunctious but simply amazing little boys.


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