Like your very own cover reveals!
Without further adieu...
I was able to look at some mock-ups of my cover a few weeks ago, and when I saw this one, I was absolutely smitten. I think my exact words to Christina, my cover designer, were, "I want to kiss it and marry it."
When I first started writing PLAYING FOR KEEPS, it was originally titled Marry Me, Anthony Rogers, and the cover I pictured was a girl holding up a sign at a game with the title on the cover. Fun, right? :) Then I realized I hated that title and my friend Kaylee helped me come up with a new title, "The Game Plan." At that point, the cover above is pretty much exactly what I pictured--a game plan drawn out with hearts and O's I ahhhhhhdore the title font--the cute hearts and the cursive "for."
It's really just perfect. So. Perfect.
Covers are one of those things you give up control over when you go the traditional publishing road, and it was the only thing that worried me about going that direction. With my novellas, I'd been able to choose exactly what I wanted. I was so worried about what this cover would look like. I should not have been. They actually gave me four really good options that had elements I really loved too.
You want to know the other AWESOME news about this? You can actually pre-order PLAYING FOR KEEPS on Amazon! When my friend Jenny showed me that yesterday (and ordered it--she's SO fun. I love her) I almost fell off my chair. My book. For preorder. I am so legit. :)
So ENJOY. And share my cover everywhere so people will see it's awesomeness and want to go buy it.