Untitled (Couldn't find the first page)
Publication date unknown
by Ranee` Savage
I remember the day after the rain started. I woke up and looked through the window prepared to see a sunshiny day. I was met with a drap gray sky. It was like that for several days after that. About 3 weeks ago it was kind of sunshiny. The rain was only a sprinkle we played on our swing set. But the next day it started raining. It's been raining ever sense.
{I'm going to just ignore the rampant tense changing and the fact that I have no idea what is actually going on at this point.} Then it came. The flood.
It had been raining most of the fall we wear nearing the end of october. My birthday is in november. I'm hoping it will be a happy day for all of us. I will be turning twelve.
Well any way back to the flood.
{Was I aware at this point in my life that commas existed? I haven't come across one yet!} It came 1 week ago. The rain had been pouring for 3 days then on sunday the banks of the Seiver River overflowed. My dad had seen it coming and sense we have a flat topped roof my dad had built a small 1 bedroom shack on top. It has a colemen cookstove my dad brought from the garage. We keep the boat nearby. We got all our sleeping bags and that's what we sleep in.
I had known it was a mistake when we moved from Geneva, Ohio. It was right near Lake Erie. We moved to Delta, Utah.
{BTW I've never been to Delta ...} We live right outside of town on the banks of the Seiver River. My mother wanted to live closer to my Grandmother in Santaquin, Utah. So my dad got a job with a Car dealing company.
{Anyone else wondering why it's a mistake to move from one flood-worthy place to another?}
Like I said. We keep the boat nearby my dad went into town to get some groceries this morning. He said ti had flooded the whole town of Delta. So he couldn't get groceries. Well we still have enough to feed an army. Luckily the house was sealed up when the flood came. Hopefully nothing is damaged.
{Even back then I had trouble with anything bad happening to my characters.} Alisha, my cousin who lives in town, says that her mom said that Grandma is worried about us. But were okay.
The End
{What?? The end? ... Yeah, there's a total lack of plot here.}